Search For plays In Quotes 94

Jazz in itself is not struggling. That is the music itself is not struggling... It's the attitude that's in trouble. My plays insist that we should not forget or toss away our history.

Time plays a role in almost every decision. And some decisions define your attitude about time.

I take a lot from everywhere. I take from music architecture novels and plays. Anywhere that hits you.

I've known Shawn for several years. And he's just an amazing talent. He's a great writer a marvelous marvelous guitar player and plays really good fiddle.

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'Good Morning America' exploited Joan Lunden's pregnancy but you won't see me bringing my babies on the air. The only reason I'm talking about the babies at all is that they've been with me on the show since I became pregnant. After a while I had to acknowledge this pumpkin tummy.