Of all the roles I've played none has been as fulfilling as being a mother.
Writing and singing does give me some kind of release from the demons of my past it is a therapy of sorts but to be honest my marriage played a more important role in the acceptance of myself than performance has ever done.
In 1977 we played America and Europe three times and Japan - my marriage suffered as a result. My then wife took the kids to Canada to be near her parents.
Love is only a dirty trick played on us to achieve continuation of the species.
I played saxophone so I was into jazz. I learned from each audience and each teacher that I had. I can't really tell you any rules or anything but the way I develop my beliefs is really just by personally learning from different situations.
I was just learning to play guitar when Tracy Chapman came out. She wrote these songs she played them by herself and I so admired her for that.
I've done some TV and I've done a lot of theater obviously and the last character I played on Broadway was a very fast-talking broad. I'm used to learning material and words.
For me the most difficult thing is that I am learning melodies on guitar from some songs whose melodies were not meant to be played on guitar. Ever. They were intended mostly for keyboards or melodic percussion.
That folk music led to learning to play and making things up led to what turns out to be the most lucrative part of the music business - writing because you get paid every time that song gets played.
I speak about family and adoption because it 100% changed my life and who I am. It definitely played a very large role into just learning how to be grateful for what you have and being fulfilled in a way that a lot of adopted kids don't feel.