Search For multi In Quotes 115

Every step and every movement of the multitude even in what are termed enlightened ages are made with equal blindness to the future and nations stumble upon establishments which are indeed the result of human action but not the execution of any human design.

Creation destroys as it goes throws down one tree for the rise of another. But ideal mankind would abolish death multiply itself million upon million rear up city upon city save every parasite alive until the accumulation of mere existence is swollen to a horror.

My dad was the manager at the 45 000-acre ranch but he owned his own 1 200-acre ranch and I owned four cattle that he gave to me when I graduated from grammar school from the eighth grade. And those cows multiplied and he kept track of them for years for me. And that was my herd.

I'd love to be an artist that's multifaceted. At the moment I am not. But wouldn't that be cool if I was like 'Yeah let me pull out my guitar and play you a song.' I would adore that. I am so far not gifted in that way. But I am a very hard worker and a very determined person so who knows?

Sydney in the 1960s wasn't the exuberant multicultural metropolis it is today. Out in the city's western reaches days passed in a sun-struck stupor. In the evenings families gathered on their verandas waiting for the 'southerly buster' - the thunderstorm that would break the heat and leave the air cool enough to allow sleep.

With our work at Kazaa we began seeing growing broadband connections and more powerful computers and more streaming multimedia and we saw that the traditional way of communicating by phone no longer made a lot of sense.

The speed of communications is wondrous to behold. It is also true that speed can multiply the distribution of information that we know to be untrue.

I think there's a suspicion in the South of people putting on airs. You see it in most successful Southern politicians but you also see it in someone like Richard Petty who may be a multimillionaire stock car driver but he's also beloved because he has a nice self-deprecatory way about him.

The Internet creates as well as destroys. Social networks search advertising and cloud computing are multibillion dollar industries that didn't exist 10 years ago. They are products of the same force that has rendered the Postal Service's core business obsolete.

There is a growing literature about the multitude of journalism's problems but most of it is concerned with the editorial side of the business possibly because most people competent to write about journalism are not comfortable writing about finance.

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It's kind of interesting because hacking is a skill that could be used for criminal purposes or legitimate purposes and so even though in the past I was hacking for the curiosity and the thrill to get a bite of the forbidden fruit of knowledge I'm now working in the security field as a public speaker.