Search For liked In Quotes 143

My Daddy liked physical fitness and wanted me to be a prizefighter.

I never feel so utterly fraudulent as when I review a movie whose charms impress all in the world and I simply do not get it. The other variant is that I love something the world disdains. This has had severe career consequences: I am still famous - or notorious - in certain quarters where I am recalled as the man who liked 'Hudson Hawk.'

I know there are people if I go into a market or a city for the first time there are people that are there that just want to see the famous person or the guy from 'Dumb and Dumber' or whatever movie they liked. And that's fine it gets them in the door but then it's my job to give them something different.

In my family in the days prior to television we liked to while away the evenings by making ourselves miserable solely based on our ability to speak the language viciously.

I guess now that I think back I used to play priest and be a funny priest. I don't know I grew up in such a Catholic family that I kind of liked to test the boundaries a little bit and I think I had fun watching my mom laugh.

I think my father would have liked to have been an artist actually. But I think he didn't quite have perhaps the drive or I don't know I mean he had a family to bring up I suppose.

You want to do something that shows some type individuality and talent and imagination - at the same time you want to be truthful to the predecessors because obviously the audience liked something about them and you have to replicate that experience to a certain extent.

I mean I really liked those guys and the experience of doing Raiders was really good for me but I did not really want to be involved - I only did Jedi as I really owed George a favor.

'Donny and Marie' was a great experience. I tried so hard to be a great talk show host but it's all about relaxing and enjoying it. Marie and I finally figured that out. I would have liked it to continue but I'm kind of glad it's over because of the phenomenal workload.

I always wanted to be a Californian. In my wildest dreams I always liked California - it's the place where oranges grows on trees! Fruit just falls off the trees.

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You live in a deranged age more deranged that usual because in spite of great scientific and technological advances man has not the faintest idea of who he is or what he is doing.