Search For israel In Quotes 114

Americans admire a people who can scratch a desert and produce a garden. The Israelis have shown qualities that Americans identify with: guts patriotism idealism a passion for freedom. I have seen it. I know. I believe that.

Israel was not created in order to disappear - Israel will endure and flourish. It is the child of hope and the home of the brave. It can neither be broken by adversity nor demoralized by success. It carries the shield of democracy and it honors the sword of freedom.

Only weeks after Oslo began when nearly all the world and most of Israel was drunk with the idea of peace I argued that a Palestinian society not constrained by democratic norms would be a fear society that would pose a grave threat to Israel.

As one who participated in all the wars of the state of Israel I saw the horror of wars. I saw the fear of wars. I saw my best friends being killed in battles. I was seriously injured twice.

The actual truth about Gad is it's one of the original 13 tribes of Israel so you can actually trace my lineage back to like those guys who had like a hand in the Bible and have since become very famous from that. So I come from very famous lineage. Granted they didn't have cameras back then so none of them had TV shows.

Christianity emerged from the religion of Israel. Or rather it has as its background a persistent strain in that religion. To that strain Christians have looked back and rightly as the preparation in history for their faith.

Through these adversities Israel has endured with continued strength conviction and faith.

Our society is illuminated by the spiritual insights of the Hebrew prophets. America and Israel have a common love of human freedom and they have a common faith in a democratic way of life.

I had faith in Israel before it was established I have in it now. I believe it has a glorious future before it - not just another sovereign nation but as an embodiment of the great ideals of our civilization.

Other countries such as Israel successfully employ behavior detection techniques at their airports but the bloated ineffective bureaucracy of TSA has produced another security failure for U.S. transportation systems.