Search For impress In Quotes 109

They're a different generation those kids kids that are under the age of twelve. They're not that impressed by rock music you know what I mean? They're like it's cool and everything but whatever. They're just as impressed by YouTube.

It's interesting to feel the pressure of having to be outgoing because I think in general as a human being I'm pessimistic and introverted. But it's cool because it's a whole different side of me and I impress myself. Even at times when I think that there's no possible way that I can be engaging I'll suddenly pull it out and impress myself.

Our business is infested with idiots who try to impress by using pretentious jargon.

In less enlightened times the best way to impress women was to own a hot car. But women wised up and realized it was better to buy their own hot cars so they wouldn't have to ride around with jerks.

We were astonished by the beauty and refinement of the art displayed by the objects surpassing all we could have imagined - the impression was overwhelming.

There is no spot of ground however arid bare or ugly that cannot be tamed into such a state as may give an impression of beauty and delight.

Physical beauty isn't so impressive to me.

Beauty must appeal to the senses must provide us with immediate enjoyment must impress us or insinuate itself into us without any effort on our part.

Vampires are so old that they don't need to impress anyone anymore. They're comfortable in their own skin. It's this enigmatic strength that's very romantic and old-fashioned. I think it goes back to something of a Victorian attitude of finding a strong man who's going to look after his woman.

I was impressed by Hendrix. Not so much by his playing as his attitude - he wasn't a great player but everything else about him was brilliant.