Search For image In Quotes 198

God created man in His own image says the Bible philosophers reverse the process: they create God in theirs.

It is the creative potential itself in human beings that is the image of God.

Men always talk about the most important things to perfect strangers. In the perfect stranger we perceive man himself the image of a God is not disguised by resemblances to an uncle or doubts of wisdom of a mustache.

Man is an exception whatever else he is. If he is not the image of God then he is a disease of the dust. If it is not true that a divine being fell then we can only say that one of the animals went entirely off its head.

The Bible tells us that God will meet all our needs. He feeds the birds of the air and clothes the grass with the splendor of lilies. How much more then will He care for us who are made in His image? Our only concern is to obey the heavenly Father and leave the consequences to Him.

If God created us in his own image we have more than reciprocated.

You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.

For it pleased God after he had made all things by the word of his power to create man after his own image.

My thoughts will be taken up with the future or the past with what is to come or what has been. Of the present there is necessarily no image.

Projecting a persuasive image of a desirable and practical future is extremely important to high morale to dynamism to consensus and in general to help the wheels of society turn smoothly.

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So for twelve miles I rode with Sherman and we became fast friends. He asked me all manner of questions on the way and I found that he knew my father well and remembered his tragic death in Salt Creek Valley.