I had to get up run in the morning for 2 hours go to the gym and also get good opponents as sparring partners because I'm a big believer in that how you train is how you will fight at least when it came to me that's how it worked.
I was getting to bed about 10 P.M. so wound up and not getting to sleep by 11 and because I was putting the prosthetics on for five hours I had to be up at 3 in the morning.
In my day at 12 years old which was 38 years ago we worked out in summer months for two and a half hours. Today someone in that age group might work out for four hours two hours in the morning and two at night.
Four hours of prosthetics every morning the jowls and the nose and it was very hot so they're having to attend to it all day and you're still petrified of so many things such as can I speak properly? Hitchcock never quite lost those East End vowels even though he had the softened California consonants.
I tend to start at 9 o'clock in the morning and write until 3. Those are my best hours. They fit the other rhythms of the world. So I write for six hours pretty much without any breaks.
As one gets older it happens that in the morning one fails to remember the airplane trip to be taken in a few hours or the lecture scheduled for the afternoon.
The greatest job I ever had was working on my family farm. Each morning my father would come into my bedroom around 4:30 am and command me to get up and work the fields. I would spend the next two hours before school slopping pigs and cropping tobacco.
I am up at 3:30 reading the op-ed pages and getting ready to be on the air by 6 A.M. on the set of 'Morning Joe ' and after three hours of TV and two hours on the radio it is only 12 noon.
Most of the top actors and actresses may be working in ten or twelve films at the same time so they will give one director two hours and maybe shoot in Bombay in the morning and Madras in the evening. It happens.
I have to say that when you tour the world obviously the jetlags and different hours and ways of living and traveling a lot of hours in the plane and you wake up in the morning and you're not quite sure where you are and it is very tiring.