Search For flower In Quotes 137

Of present fame think little and of future less the praises that we receive after we are buried like the flowers that are strewed over our grave may be gratifying to the living but they are nothing to the dead.

I'd never been in play long enough for the flowers to die in the dressing room.

Our national flower is the concrete cloverleaf.

One sure way to lose another woman's friendship is to try to improve her flower arrangements.

Love is flower like Friendship is like a sheltering tree.

Before the flowers of friendship faded friendship faded.

If instead of a gem or even a flower we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend that would be giving as the angels give.

How does the Meadow flower its bloom unfold? Because the lovely little flower is free down to its root and in that freedom bold.

Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine freedom and a little flower.

Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine freedom and a little flower.

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The most insignificant people are the most apt to sneer at others. They are safe from reprisals. And have no hope of rising in their own self esteem but by lowering their neighbors.