Search For desire In Quotes 362

A desire arises in the mind. It is satisfied immediately another comes. In the interval which separates two desires a perfect calm reigns in the mind. It is at this moment freed from all thought love or hate. Complete peace equally reigns between two mental waves.

But the deep desire for peace remained with the American people.

Only to the extent that men desire peace and brotherhood can the world be made better. No peace even though temporarily obtained will be permanent whether to individuals or nations unless it is built upon the solid foundation of eternal principles.

Israel welcomes the wind of change and sees a window of opportunity. Democratic and science-based economies by nature desire peace. Israel does not want to be an island of affluence in an ocean of poverty. Improvements in our neighbours' lives mean improvements to the neighbourhood in which we live.

Let him who desires peace prepare for war.

In fact because of this deep desire for peace the ruling class leaders of this land from 1945 on stepped up the hysteria and propaganda to drive into American minds the false notion that danger threatened them from the East.

Peace above all things is to be desired but blood must sometimes be spilled to obtain it on equable and lasting terms.

Therefore I feel that the aforementioned guiding principle must be modified to read: If you desire peace cultivate justice but at the same time cultivate the fields to produce more bread otherwise there will be no peace.

How can you consider flower power outdated? The essence of my lyrics is the desire for peace and harmony. That's all anyone has ever wanted. How could it become outdated?

America is a Nation with a mission - and that mission comes from our most basic beliefs. We have no desire to dominate no ambitions of empire. Our aim is a democratic peace - a peace founded upon the dignity and rights of every man and woman.

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