Search For custom In Quotes 121

The creative destruction that social media is currently unleashing will change more than technology or the leader board of the Fortune 100. It is driving a qualitative shift in the nature of relationships between brands and their customers.

The customs and fashions of men change like leaves on the bough some of which go and others come.

Those who visit foreign nations but associate only with their own country-men change their climate but not their customs. They see new meridians but the same men and with heads as empty as their pockets return home with traveled bodies but untravelled minds.

Observe constantly that all things take place by change and accustom thyself to consider that the nature of the Universe loves nothing so much as to change the things which are and to make new things like them.

You want to make sure this particular car is going to please the customer and then you're going to be rewarded with something that is going to please the shareholder.

At a car dealership the person who sells the car is the hero and also gets the commission. But if the mechanics don't service that car well the customer won't return.

As Members of Congress we can now engage with our constituents via online innovations like the Huffington Post while a small business in rural Oregon can use the Internet to find customers around the world.

There are two ways to extend a business. Take inventory of what you're good at and extend out from your skills. Or determine what your customers need and work backward even if it requires learning new skills. Kindle is an example of working backward.

You have got to have discipline and focus - on the customer and how you run the business.

The jewelry business is a very very tough business - tougher than the computer business. You truly have to understand how to take care of your customers.

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I've realized how precious life is. When I was younger I was more adventurous. I felt invincible. I was game for everything. As a mom I don't want to get injured because then I can't take care of my kids.