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Mark Ruffalo aka the Incredible Hulk is the natural gas industry's worst nightmare: a serious committed activist who is determined to use his star power as a superhero in the hottest movie of the moment to draw attention the environmental and public health risks of fracking.

The people in Iraq lived essentially good lives. They had brilliant health and education systems. Saddam actually created an incredible infrastructure in a very difficult country but they were a Mafia family. If you said anything against that regime or that family you would be killed instantly.

Being the lead of the show and working a lot of hours - all good stuff a tremendous education incredible opportunity it changed my life - it was a marathon and by the end of it I was pretty beat.

I have to say I have an incredible musical education because of my father.

'Design Star' was incredible and I didn't think it could get any better and then 'Color Splash' happened.

It's an incredible con job when you think about it to believe something now in exchange for something after death. Even corporations with their reward systems don't try to make it posthumous.

I also turn down what's probably a good amount of coinage to be made out of playing dads an incredible number of obnoxious dad.

Some musicians I know are incredible fathers. Like Keith Richards. A fantastic dad.

I've never tried to find my real parents. I'm very grateful to my mum and dad for adopting me - they're completely incredible people. It was my dad who encouraged me to question everything to forge my own path to think to read. I always felt it was my right to question everything.

Look I've got incredible pride for my family. I've absolutely fallen into that cliche of a dad who could just happily talk about my daughter endlessly.