Search For crazy In Quotes 153

The hardest thing about being famous is that people are always nice to you. You're in a conversation and everybody's agreeing with what you're saying - even if you say something totally crazy. You need people who can tell you what you don't want to hear.

I'm considered homophobic and crazy about these things and old fashioned. But I think that the family - father mother children - is fundamental to our civilisation.

If you don't have public hangings for bad culture in a company if you don't take people out and let them say they went home to spend more time with the family. It's crazy.

My story of success and failure is not just about music and being famous. It's about living and loving and trying to find purpose in this crazy world.

You can live your whole life in your brain and not experience what's around you. You go crazy that way.

Dreams are often most profound when they seem the most crazy.

I think I've done every crazy diet there was in the beginning but it's weird: I'm thinner now than I was when I was modeling. I don't obsess about it.

I like food too much to go on some crazy diet. French fries are my favorite downfall.

I've tried just about every crazy diet you can imagine.

One of the best animated films I've seen come out of Disney was the Tarzan movie. I wasn't crazy about the story or the design on Tarzan's face but the traditional animation was spectacular.

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Despite my emphasis on technology I do not view laws as inherently evil. My goals are political ones even if my techniques are not. The only way to fundamentally succeed is by changing existing laws. If I rejected all help from the political arena I would inevitably fail.