Search For consume In Quotes 109

We need a number of solutions - we need more efficiency and conservation. Efficiency is a big one. I think car companies need to do a lot better in producing more efficient cars. They have the technology we just need to demand them as consumers.

When life was worrying about a car payment or a rent payment and a bill you're so consumed with that you really don't have time to know yourself. That's surviving and getting by.

In principle there are only three main components of spending that much matter to monetary policy: consumer spending business investment and exports and trade.

The social business marketplace is effectively forcing brands to engage with consumers on the basis of something that is meaningful to them. More often than not this takes the form of some core value that finds expression in a non-profit cause.

In the coming years if not sooner social media will become a powerful tool that consumers will aggressively use to influence business attitudes and force companies into greater social responsibility - and I suggest move us towards a more sustainable practice of capitalism.

I never get the accountants in before I start up a business. It's done on gut feeling especially if I can see that they are taking the mickey out of the consumer.

Big business never pays a nickel in taxes according to Ralph Nader who represents a big consumer organization that never pays a nickel in taxes.

The consumer isn't a moron she is your wife.

Economic depression cannot be cured by legislative action or executive pronouncement. Economic wounds must be healed by the action of the cells of the economic body - the producers and consumers themselves.

During the 80s and 90s we all became consumed with ourselves. In the 21st century we've come back to simpler times. People are struggling economically and this has forced them to scale back the material aspects of their lives and realise the beauty of finding the simple joy in being with the people we love.

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It's great that New York has large spaces for art. But the enormous immaculate box has become a dated even oppressive place. Many of these spaces were designed for sprawling installations large paintings and the Relational Aesthetics work of the past fifteen years.