Search For chief In Quotes 119

The chief contribution of Protestantism to human thought is its massive proof that God is a bore.

The dupe of friendship and the fool of love have I not reason to hate and to despise myself? Indeed I do and chiefly for not having hated and despised the world enough.

Exercise is the chief source of improvement in our faculties.

There is the fear common to all English-only speakers that the chief purpose of foreign languages is to make fun of us. Otherwise you know why not just come out and say it?

The clan is nothing more than a larger family with its patriarchal chief as the natural head and the union of several clans by intermarriage and voluntary connection constitutes the tribe.

My family is from the South and I can remember all those ladies I grew up with like my great-aunts who had handkerchiefs. There's something sweet about them.

I come from a family of very devout praying people. That idea of peace and love toward humanity shouldn't be nationalistic or denominational. It should be a chief concern for all mankind.

We know the past and its great events the present in its multitudinous complications chiefly through faith in the testimony of others.

And obviously with hindsight now now knowing what went on in the company it would have been absolutely appropriate back then for us to have the chief executive of the company most senior person in the United Kingdom come and answer for the policy they were pursuing. And we ducked that and frankly that's a failure of Parliament.

The assertion of failure coming from such persons does not mean that Mr. Mill failed to promote the practical success of those objects the advocacy of which forms the chief feature of his political writings.