Search For characters In Quotes 161

I hit the ground running without a lot of training so I had to do whatever I could do to survive as a professional and if that meant being that character 24/7 and acting out I was going to do that. I lived those characters I brought them home with me.

If you got a good imagination a lot of confidence and you kind of know what you are saying then you might be able to do it. I know a lot of colorful characters at home that would make great actors.

Since I was there in the very beginning I know the history of the characters. So I make comments about the tone and sometimes remind the writers that we've done that before.

I'm interested in the dark side of man. I'm interested in taboos and murder is the greatest taboo. Characters are fascinating in their extremity not in their happiness.

You need characters who want things. They want love they want recognition they want happiness.

I choose my friends for their good looks my acquaintances for their good characters and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies.

I can relate to historical characters or imaginary ones. It doesn't matter if a story takes place in the future or in the present as long as the story is compelling.

There's a wealth of literature out there which hopefully will be you know exploded in the future and I personally find it very rewarding to be involved with classic storytelling and sort of legendary characters.

I'm good at coming up with wacky characters and funny dialogue.

I tend to play characters that I can infuse with certain kinds of humour. Even the baddest guy can be funny in his own particular way. I want the audience to engage with the character on some deeper level so that they leave the cinema still thinking about him.

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I have come to understand and appreciate writers much more recently since I started working on a book last fall. Before that I thought golf writers got up every morning played a round of golf had lunch showed up for our last three holes and then went to dinner.