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Research has shown that even small amounts of processed food alter the chemical balance in our brain and cause negative mood swings along with noticeable dips ill energy.

Clearly society has a tremendous stake in insisting on a woman's natural fitness for the career of mother: the alternatives are all too expensive.

Exercise is done against one's wishes and maintained only because the alternative is worse.

As Michigan's voice on the Senate Finance Committee and Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee I will continue working to make sure the next generation of advanced technologies and alternative fuel vehicles are made right here in America.

We will see a breakdown of the family and family values if we decide to approve same-sex marriage and if we decide to establish homosexuality as an acceptable alternative lifestyle with all the benefits that go with equating it with the heterosexual lifestyle.

If you have abandoned one faith do not abandon all faith. There is always an alternative to the faith we lose. Or is it the same faith under another mask?

A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.

It must not be forgotten in fairness to the National Government that apartheid is not just a policy of oppression but an attempt - in my opinion an attempt doomed to failure - to find an alternative to a policy of racial integration which is fair to both white and black.

My failure during the first five or six years of my art training to get set in the right direction and the disappointment which it caused me drove me the more persistently into writing as an alternative.

When an action is once done it is right or wrong for ever no accidental failure of its good or evil fruits can possibly alter that.