Search For yellow In Quotes 18

I made a circle with a smile for a mouth on yellow paper because it was sunshiny and bright.

I wrote The Green Eye of the Little Yellow God in five hours but I had it all planned out. It isn't poetry and it does not pretend to be but it does what it sets out to do.

Whenever the pressure of our complex city life thins my blood and numbs my brain I seek relief in the trail and when I hear the coyote wailing to the yellow dawn my cares fall from me - I am happy.

I write in longhand on yellow legal pads.

Humor has historically been tied to the mores of the day. The Yellow Kid was predicated on what people thought was funny about the immigrant Irish. When you're different in a society you're funny.

My fondest hope is that 'Roots' may start black white brown red yellow people digging back for their own roots. Man that would make me feel 90 feet tall.

The '80s were fabulous. The '90s sucked and the '70s were just a sad sad time in human history. Go 1980s! There's something that's just so cute about that time. And not just yellow nail polish and 'I'm a loner.'

Looking ahead future generations may learn their social skills from robots in the first place. The cute yellow Keepon robot from Carnegie Mellon University has shown the ability to facilitate social interactions with autistic children. Morphy at the University of Washington happily teaches gestures to children by demonstration.

When I hosted the dinner I served fast food hamburgers. It had nothing to do with black white purple yellow green race. it had nothing to do with Tiger or his family or his golf game.

We would load up the yellow Cutlass Supreme station wagon and pick blackberries during blackberry season or spring onions during spring onion season. For us food was part of the fabric of our day.