Search For wives In Quotes 28

Make women rational creatures and free citizens and they will quickly become good wives - that is if men do not neglect the duties of husbands and fathers.

Women will never be as successful as men because they have no wives to advise them.

I am thinking of taking a fifth wife. Why not? Solomon had a thousand wives and he is a synonym for wisdom.

The war on terror is the most insane and immoral war of all time. The Americans are doing what they did in Vietnam bombing villages. But how can a civilised nation do this? How can you can eliminate suspects their wives their children their families their neighbours? How can you justify this?

I don't have time for their judgement and their stupidity and you know they lay down with their ugly wives in front of their ugly children and look at their loser lives and then they look at me and they say 'I can't process it' well no you never will stop trying just sit back and enjoy the show. You know?

You can make a lot of money in this game. Just ask my ex-wives. Both of them are so rich that neither of their husbands work.

Golf is played by twenty million mature American men whose wives think they are out having fun.

I talked to ex-wives of musicians of the '70s for research. They're the funniest people in the world yet there is this sad beautiful thing in their eyes that says they've seen more than they could ever possibly tell you.

I want to say a little something that's long overdue the disrespect to women has got to be through. To all the mothers and the sisters and the wives and friends I wanna offer my love and respect till the end.

There is no gilding of setting sun or glamor of poetry to light up the ferocious and endless toil of the farmers' wives.