Search For wednesday In Quotes 14

Well I get my subject on Wednesday night I think it out carefully on Thursday and make my rough sketch on Friday morning I begin and stick to it all day with my nose well down on the block.

The first one obviously was walking into my office at eight o'clock in the morning on Wednesday and being told there was a telephone call saying that there was an incident at Three Mile Island and that it had shut down and that beyond that we didn't know.

Every Wednesday my husband and I have a study group with our friends. I attend church. We try to devote time in the morning say a prayer.

You lie awake at 3 in the morning thinking of story ideas. You're online at 8 a.m. on a Sunday or midnight on a Wednesday. It's a job that you never push aside.

I don't know what your childhood was like but we didn't have much money. We'd go to a movie on a Saturday night then on Wednesday night my parents would walk us over to the library. It was such a big deal to go in and get my own book.

She got the magazine on a Wednesday morning and on Thursday announced our marriage was over.

I was an OK boxer I wasn't great I was OK but I loved the discipline of getting together every Monday Wednesday and Friday usually Saturday afternoons too with a whole bunch of mates and training very very hard for about two-and-half hours.

They didn't want it good they wanted it Wednesday.

I've been saying for a couple of years now that people need to let God out of the Sunday morning box that He doesn't want to just be with you for an hour or two on Sunday morning and then put back in His box to sit there until you have an emergency but He wants to invade your Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday.

I think that the problem is that people fear so many things and they don't live life to its fullest. And for me as an artist if God should want me to come this Wednesday to the end of my life so be it.