Search For volunteer In Quotes 24

I don't work a five-day week as a rule and I've managed to fill that time up. It hasn't been that hard. I volunteer at school. I'm working because I love it. Yet I don't not envy women who have a stay-at-home job because you miss stuff.

This is pure speculation but for a period of time a lot of getting into a party was through fundraising and volunteer work and Republican women had more time to do that than democratic women who were out there getting jobs.

How do you tell troops who volunteered to fight for our freedoms that the country they fought for won't take care of them when they come back? In the time of war our troops and their families are supposed to be our number one priority.

Be of service. Whether you make yourself available to a friend or co-worker or you make time every month to do volunteer work there is nothing that harvests more of a feeling of empowerment than being of service to someone in need.

We reserve our deepest respect and admiration for those who volunteer for service and give their lives to help keep our nation secure.

When I first started working in politics as a junior aide on Walter Mondale's 1984 presidential campaign it never occurred to me that I would one day work in the White House. There were plenty of women among the volunteers who stuffed envelopes and walked precincts. But there were fewer and fewer on each successive level of influence and access.

In addition to serving overseas the Peace Corps' Crisis Corps Volunteers have helped their fellow Americans.

I wish the Peace Corps and its volunteers continued success and perseverance. We are grateful for their contributions to society and dedication to providing assistance where it is needed. May the Peace Corps continue its legacy of service both at home and abroad.

In the Peace Corps the volunteer must be a fully developed mature person. He must not join to run abroad or escape problems.

When you were a volunteer for the Bush-Cheney campaign you came in the morning you had a supervisor who gave you a list of calls to make and a time to do it in.