Search For vacation In Quotes 27

I used to know Jennifer Love Hewitt. We lived in the same apartment building when I was about... jeez I guess it was when I was doing 'Christmas Vacation' so I was about 13 or 14.

Whatever he does should be seen as working at the Presidency and if he goes to Colorado for Christmas it should be for a minimum amount of time the family tradition and family get-together aspect emphasized and it be seen as a working vacation.

Actually my mother and Alfie came for three weeks' Christmas vacation and stayed for 21 years. I guess my mother never went back because she was lonely.

My work is like my vacation so in a way every day is like Saturday.

Too much work too much vacation too much of any one thing is unsound.

Since traveling is such a big part of my life when I am working I like to vacation relatively close to home. Florida is a great place for me to go and relax. It's so close which is perfect because it's the minimal travel time.

Book tours and research provide a lot of travel - too much I sometimes think but we do take vacations.

If I'm on location on some island we usually get up at four in the morning to set up. By seven thirty we're on the beach working until noon then we rest. It's not exactly a vacation.

I'm not an employee who goes to the office every morning at the same time. Then vacations are needed.

The thing I love most about going on vacation is that I get to leave behind any kind of schedule. My entire life is scheduled from morning to night and when I'm on vacation there is no schedule.