Search For upset In Quotes 50

Personally I'm an advocate for short engagements. Long sometimes means there is a reason for it. Two years engaged and no wedding... I'd be upset.

As a result of my philosophy I wasn't even upset about Hitler. I was willing to go to war to knock him off but I didn't hate him. I hated what he was doing.

Hitting is timing. Pitching is upsetting timing.

It's upsetting to be a man in our society.

If we try to engineer outcomes if we overturn tradition to make everyone the same we ruin society. If we upset tradition to allow for an equal shot at the starting gate everyone wins except for the charlatans and would be dictators.

When you're happy you don't always have to be laughing and when you're sad you don't have to be crying sometimes it's the opposite. You laugh when you're the most upset.

I'm not a sad person upset the whole time but I seem to be quite emotional.

I've grown as a person. The dynamics on this set are very demanding because we work a lot of hours it's very sad material so there's always someone upset because it's really heavy stuff.

'Vegas' was something very close to me. I had such a blast doing that. I'm still a little upset that we never really got to shoot that final episode. So many people were invested in it. I'll always be sad about that.

I'm not patient and some things drive me crazy. In my work I get incredibly upset when people don't get it right or don't respect others' needs.

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For the past several years I have remained what others would consider underground. I did this in order to build a community of people like-minded in their desire for freedom and the right to pursue their goals and lives without being manipulated and controlled by a media protected military industrial complex with a completely different agenda.