Search For unlikely In Quotes 13

Suicide is possible but not probable hanging I trust is even more unlikely for I hope that by the time I die my countrymen will have become civilised enough to abolish capital punishment.

I had come to the point when I realized it was unlikely that my film career was going to move beyond a certain level of role. And I was - because I had graphic instances of it - handicapped by the success of Star Trek. A director would say 'I don't want Jean-Luc Picard in my movie' - and this was compounded by X-Men as well.

The whole secret to our success is being able to con ourselves into believing that we're going to change the world because statistically we are unlikely to do it.

War as Napoleon knew it just not possible any more. However we're very unlikely to accept or recognize 'world peace' even when we get it.

But then there are magical beautiful things in the world. There's incredible acts of kindness and bravery and in the most unlikely places and it gives you hope.

Cleanliness becomes more important when godliness is unlikely.

This is true enough but success is the next best thing to happiness and if you can't be happy as a success it's very unlikely that you would find a deeper truer happiness in failure.

Nothing defines humans better than their willingness to do irrational things in the pursuit of phenomenally unlikely payoffs. This is the principle behind lotteries dating and religion.

Courage is found in unlikely places.

Ever since the collapse of cap and trade legislation and the realization that President Obama is unlikely to ever utter the words 'climate change' in public again much less use the bully pulpit to prepare the nation for the catastrophic risks of inaction the movement has been in a funk.