Search For uncertain In Quotes 53

Truth is confirmed by inspection and delay falsehood by haste and uncertainty.

Deciding whether to trust or credit a person is always an uncertain task.

I trust every single person around me and if I feel even a whiff of uncertainty I won't have that person around me.

You know people talk about this being an uncertain time. You know all time is uncertain. I mean it was uncertain back in - in 2007 we just didn't know it was uncertain. It was - uncertain on September 10th 2001. It was uncertain on October 18th 1987 you just didn't know it.

We always live in an uncertain world. What is certain is that the United States will go forward over time.

If you just watch a teenager you see a lot of uncertainty.

Raising children is an uncertain thing success is reached only after a life of battle and worry.

There is nothing more difficult to take in hand more perilous to conduct or more uncertain in its success than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.

Read the news section of the newspaper and there is confusion and uncertainty a world buffeted by large forces people neither understand nor control. But turn to the sports section and it's all different.

To the indefinite uncertain mind of the American radical the most contradictory ideas and methods are possible. The result is a sad chaos in the radical movement a sort of intellectual hash which has neither taste nor character.