Search For thunder In Quotes 17

A lovely thing about Christmas is that it's compulsory like a thunderstorm and we all go through it together.

Time has no divisions to mark its passage there is never a thunder-storm or blare of trumpets to announce the beginning of a new month or year. Even when a new century begins it is only we mortals who ring bells and fire off pistols.

Sorrows are like thunderclouds in the distance they look black over our heads scarcely gray.

The legions of reporters who cover politics don't want to quit the clash and thunder of electoral combat for the dry duty of analyzing the federal budget. As a consequence we have created the perpetual presidential campaign.

I read as much poetry as time allows and circumstance dictates: No heartache can pass without a little Dorothy Parker no thunderstorm without W. H. Auden no sleepless night without W. B. Yeats.

Peace Train is a song I wrote the message of which continues to breeze thunderously through the hearts of millions of human beings.

It is not light that we need but fire it is not the gentle shower but thunder. We need the storm the whirlwind and the earthquake.

'Peace Train' is a song I wrote the message of which continues to breeze thunderously through the hearts of millions. There is a powerful need for people to feel that gust of hope rise up again.

Thunder is good thunder is impressive but it is lightning that does the work.

The sound of 'gentle stillness' after all the thunder and wind have passed will the ultimate Word from God.