Search For tennis In Quotes 61

It is never too late to get into tennis! While I started playing at the age of 8 when my parents gave me a tennis racquet for Christmas tennis is a lifelong sport that can be enjoyed by people of almost any age. It's also something you never forget once you learn.

I used to travel in tennis shoes I am just not allowed to anymore. I'm an old hippie from San Francisco.

Tennis is all about mental toughness and you have to keep your head in the game. I make time to relax away from competition pressures travel and intense training schedules to make sure I'm looking after myself. Taking time out with family and friends helps to maintain the work-life balance everyone needs.

It's very expensive to be a professional tennis player with all the travel and the flights and the hotels and everything.

Well I do feel that I carry the responsibility of representing my country wherever I am and this responsibility came with the success that I had in last couple of years not just myself but the whole group of tennis players that comes from Serbia. And athletes in general are in this moment the biggest ambassadors that our country has.

Core strength and stability is very important to me. Tennis is all about rotation of the body and my ability to create power. I incorporate a lot of abdominal back and glute exercises into my gym sessions.

Tennis takes care of everything. It requires agility and quickness to get to the ball core strength to get power into your shorts and stamina to last for an entire match. In addition to toning your arms and shoulders it's a total body workout for your legs and abs and works your heart and core unlike any other sport.

Seems like most of the kids today are into other sports other than tennis.

I'm a big sports guy - golf tennis baseball basketball snowboarding - and I love games.

In the States tennis is sixth or seventh on the totem pole as far as sports go.