Search For telephone In Quotes 38

Seriously we are in the midst of the convergence of voice and data and that is challenging the infrastructure of the telephone companies. There are huge commercial interests in the basic technology but even more so in content delivery and control of content.

This is like the telephone problem - no one wants to have the first one. But we are seeing a lot of people who want some sort of technology to solve the spam problem.

Technology gives us the facilities that lessen the barriers of time and distance - the telegraph and cable the telephone radio and the rest.

There was a time when nails were high-tech. There was a time when people had to be told how to use a telephone. Technology is just a tool. People use tools to improve their lives.

The telephone is a 100-year-old technology. It's time for a change. Charging for phone calls is something you did last century.

The Internet is a telephone system that's gotten uppity.

Telephone n. An invention of the devil which abrogates some of the advantages of making a disagreeable person keep his distance.

The Viennese wash everything. Where else in the world does the government hire public servants to wash public telephone booths and the glass over traffic lights? Every time I see someone doing these things I smile like a child.

The telephone which interrupts the most serious conversations and cuts short the most weighty observations has a romance of its own.

Since the beginning of the 21st century thanks to the concerted efforts of both sides China-U.S. relationship has on the whole enjoyed steady growth. Since President Obama took office we have maintained close contact through exchange of visits meetings telephone conversations and letters.