Search For teens In Quotes 21

Teen pop will never die as long as there are teens and popular music. It just takes a different head.

In my teens I developed a passionate idolatry for a teacher of English literature. I wanted to do something that he would approve of more so I thought I should be some sort of a scholar.

A lot of what the 'Culture' is about is a reaction to all the science fiction I was reading in my very early teens.

Love Is Louder is a movement that is hopefully going to bring some awareness and make some noise when it comes to teens who are feeling suicidal or even just sad outcasts and being bullied and really feel like they have nowhere to turn to.

I decided to take God and organized religion seriously and to reject the secular life which in my teens had looked attractive because it allowed me to act in any way that I wanted.

We all have an interest in making sure teens grow up healthy and drug-free.

Teens think listening to music helps them concentrate. It doesn't. It relieves them of the boredom that concentration on homework induces.

Later in the early teens I used to ride my bike every Saturday morning to the nearest airport ten miles away push airplanes in and out of the hangars and clean up the hangars.

I love the Beatles. I haven't named any kids after them but I still really love them. They were the first group that I was ever properly aware of. In my early teens I would sometimes stay in and listen to the radio all day in the hope that I would catch a song by them that I'd never heard before and be able to tape it on my radio-cassette player.

Children born to teens have less supportive and stimulating environments poorer health lower cognitive development and worse educational outcomes. Children of teen mothers are at increased risk of being in foster care and becoming teen parents themselves thereby repeating the cycle.