Search For survivor In Quotes 13

I interviewed survivors I went to Poland saw the cities and spent time with the people and spoke to the Jews who had come back to Poland after the war and talked about why they had come back.

Pro football is like nuclear warfare. There are no winners only survivors.

The fact that the adult American Negro female emerges a formidable character is often met with amazement distaste and even belligerance. It is seldom accepted as an inevitable outcome of the struggle won by survivors and deserves respect if not enthusiastic acceptance.

As a privileged survivor of the First World War I hope I may be allowed to interject here a deeply felt tribute to those who were not fortunate enough to succeed but who shared the signal honor of trying to the last to salvage peace.

My mom she's a breast cancer survivor and because of that I had started getting mammograms once a year starting at age 30.

Miami Beach - that's where I grew up in a middle-class Jewish family led by my maternal grandfather. Me my great-grandmother - a Holocaust survivor who was my roommate - my grandparents my mom and her brother all shared a four-bedroom house.

I'm a survivor of life. I try to give the glory to God and appreciate what's happening to me.

'Survivor' wouldn't have happened had I not gone out there and helped CBS to sell sponsors to finance the first one. Part of my thinking on 'Survivor' was that it should have rewards that are corporate brands. A Big Mac one thimble-full of Coca-Cola.

Lance Armstrong the famous cyclist and more importantly cancer survivor has said 'if you ever get a second chance for something you've got to go all the way.'

Some of the greatest survivors have been women. Look at the courage so many women have shown after surviving earthquakes in the rubble for days on end.

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A civilization is a heritage of beliefs customs and knowledge slowly accumulated in the course of centuries elements difficult at times to justify by logic but justifying themselves as paths when they lead somewhere since they open up for man his inner distance.