Search For stressed In Quotes 16

I felt very unstressed on my wedding day. I'm very grateful for that... spending the day on my own being super quiet and happy and just puttering around doing my own thing.

Individual psychotherapy - that is engaging a distressed fellow human in a disciplined conversation and human relationship - requires that the therapist have the proper temperament and philosophy of life for such work. By that I mean that the therapist must be patient modest and a perceptive listener rather than a talker and advice-giver.

When leaders take back power when they act as heroes and saviors they end up exhausted overwhelmed and deeply stressed.

Churchill knew the importance of peace and he also knew the price of it. Churchill finally got his voice of course. He stressed strategy but it was his voice that armed England at last with the old-fashioned moral concepts of honor and duty justice and mercy.

I was much distressed by next door people who had twin babies and played the violin but one of the twins died and the other has eaten the fiddle so all is peace.

It's her first grandchild so she's really really really excited. I guess my mom is a little more stressed out than me.

The superior man is distressed by the limitations of his ability he is not distressed by the fact that men do not recognize the ability that he has.

There are a range of associated impacts related to increasing temperatures which affect both evaporation rates and river systems which are already over stressed and these will hit farming communities and the health of crop lands.

What happens when you have great grief in your life is the arteries of that heart begins to spasms down just literally squeezes down like this because you're feeling the tension of your life and then the heart muscle itself will also begin - to get stressed out.

Cleaning is my favorite way to relax. I clear things out and get rid of the stuff I don't need. When the food pantry and the refrigerator are organized I feel less stressed.