Search For square In Quotes 35

To me as long as we've known each other I've always thought Mick's most brilliant thing was that he could work in an area two foot square and give a very exciting performance.

I've got a real sense of three-dimensional geometry. I can look at a flat piece of fabric and know that if I put a slit in it and make some fabric travel around a square then when you lift it up it will drape in a certain way and I can feel how that will happen.

A round man cannot be expected to fit in a square hole right away. He must have time to modify his shape.

Your chances of success are directly proportional to the degree of pleasure you desire from what you do. If you are in a job you hate face the fact squarely and get out.

It's the quality of the ordinary the straight the square that accounts for the great stability and success of our nation. It's a quality to be proud of. But it's a quality that many people seem to have neglected.

The Occupy movement needs an organizing principle and - just as the Tea Party did - it needs some actual measures of success. Choose one candidate whose agenda is squarely within that of the movement and make his or her electoral success a focal point.

It's a round ball and a round bat and you got to hit it square.

There is also poetry written to be shouted in a square in front of an enthusiastic crowd. This occurs especially in countries where authoritarian regimes are in power.

And New York is the most beautiful city in the world? It is not far from it. No urban night is like the night there... Squares after squares of flame set up and cut into the aether. Here is our poetry for we have pulled down the stars to our will.

Like any other people like fathers mothers sons and daughters in every land when the issue of peace or war has been put squarely to the American people they have registered for peace.