Search For soften In Quotes 19

I have witnessed the softening of the hardest of hearts by a simple smile.

I think that if your approach is one where you don't want to alienate anybody you're going to have to soften the viewpoint or the information that you're offering to such an extent that it doesn't have the power to make any difference. You have to take that risk.

Constructive criticism is about finding something good and positive to soften the blow to the real critique of what really went on.

As long as I retain my feeling and my passion for Nature I can partly soften or subdue my other passions and resist or endure those of others.

Music exalts each joy allays each grief expels diseases softens every pain subdues the rage of poison and the plague.

Music has charms to sooth a savage breast to soften rocks or bend a knotted oak.

Four hours of prosthetics every morning the jowls and the nose and it was very hot so they're having to attend to it all day and you're still petrified of so many things such as can I speak properly? Hitchcock never quite lost those East End vowels even though he had the softened California consonants.

I think my mom put it best. She said 'Little girls soften their daddy's hearts.'

Love is never lost. If not reciprocated it will flow back and soften and purify the heart.

I'm not a traditional politician and I have a sense of humor. I'll try to soften it and become boring maybe even very boring but I'm not sure if I'll be able to.

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May He who is the Brahman of the Hindus the Ahura-Mazda of the Zoroastrians the Buddha of the Buddhists the Jehovah of the Jews the Father in Heaven of the Christians give strength to you to carry out your noble idea.