Search For slight In Quotes 66

Of course I do have a slight advantage over the rest of you. It helps in a pinch to be able to remind your bride that you gave up a throne for her.

Science doesn't in the slightest depend on trust. It depends completely on the belief that you can demonstrate something for yourself.

An awful lot of successful technology companies ended up being in a slightly different market than they started out in.

Adele Adkins' retro-soul debut '19' was striking less for her songs than for that voice: a voluptuous slightly parched alto that swooped and fluttered like a Dusty Springfield student trying to upstage her teacher or at least update the rules.

I remember a moment when the Prince went back to his old school Grammar School in Melbourne and slightly to his horror his old music teacher produced a cello.

My comedy is for children from three to 93. You do need a slightly childish sense of humour and if you haven't got that it's very sad.

I'm better with my hands and I always loved the slightly romantic idea of starting with bits of wood and being able to create something to sit on to eat from to store your clothes in.

I don't feel the need for religion. But I went on a yoga retreat last year and I do believe slightly in the karma thing and just being good and true unto yourself. And I slightly believe that you can attract good and bad to you.

I'm very interested in religion as something to study but I'm not a religious person in the slightest.

My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.

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My dad is such a good man. You know how when you are a child you think your dad is invincible? Well I still think that - he is so wise and everything I do I ask my dad's advice about first.