Search For skating In Quotes 21

Passover and Easter are the only Jewish and Christian holidays that move in sync like the ice skating pairs we saw during the winter Olympics.

Although in skating you compete with other people anyone who achieves a certain level of success is first and foremost competing against themselves. And for me the idea that I could always do better learn more learn faster is something that came from skating. But I carried that with me for the rest of my life.

When the going got tough I really had to draw on many of the same competitive instincts I did when I was skating. I really had to put my head down and stay positive. I had to fight.

Ice skating is very difficult. It takes a lot of discipline and a lot of hard work. It's fun but you are there on the ice every morning freezing and trying to do these moves and these tricks.

I just motor through school in the morning and then go skating.

My mother stopped working when she had my brother. She was a full time mom until I started getting heavily into ice skating lessons and it got to the point where they really needed my mom to earn an income.

I begged my mom to let me start skating.

I burnt myself out of skating. I was ready to focus on being a mom.

Snowboarding's tough because you've got to go to the mountains. For me I love the skateboard season because I get to hangout at home and still be skating. I don't have to travel to Norway or Japan or these crazy places to be snowboarding.

What was really funny is that as I got older all those guys who called me a sissy in junior high school wanted me to be their best friend because they wanted to meet all the girls that I knew in figure skating.