Search For simplest In Quotes 22

The whole essence of good drawing - and of good thinking perhaps - is to work a subject down to the simplest form possible and still have it believable for what it is meant to be.

The simplest of women are wonderful liars who can extricate themselves from the most difficult dilemmas with a skill bordering on genius.

Everything in war is very simple. But the simplest thing is difficult.

The simplest and most basic meaning of the symbol of the Goddess is the acknowledgment of the legitimacy of female power as a beneficent and independent power.

If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy if the simplest things of nature have a message that you understand rejoice for your soul is alive.

Becoming a father I think it inevitably changes your perspective of life. I don't get nearly enough sleep. And the simplest things in life are completely satisfying. I find you don't have to do as much like you don't go on as many outings.

One of the greatest and simplest tools for learning more and growing is doing more.

The hypothesis of surviving intelligence and personality - not only surviving but anxious and able with difficulty to communicate - is the simplest and most straightforward and the only one that fits all the facts.

When we recall the past we usually find that it is the simplest things - not the great occasions - that in retrospect give off the greatest glow of happiness.

Knowledge is invariably a matter of degree: you cannot put your finger upon even the simplest datum and say this we know.