Search For sickness In Quotes 34

The mother's battle for her child with sickness with poverty with war with all the forces of exploitation and callousness that cheapen human life needs to become a common human battle waged in love and in the passion for survival.

As contagion of sickness makes sickness contagion of trust can make trust.

Concepts like individuals have their histories and are just as incapable of withstanding the ravages of time as are individuals. But in and through all this they retain a kind of homesickness for the scenes of their childhood.

A poem begins as a lump in the throat a sense of wrong a homesickness a lovesickness.

Taking pre-natal vitamins can minimise birth defects and can lower the chances both of morning sickness and premature delivery.

I was the first in my peer group to get pregnant. All I craved was reassurance. I needed someone to tell me that all the seemingly random symptoms I had - weird things such as excess saliva - were normal. And I was worried because I wasn't getting any morning sickness.

I started playing poker in 2003 during my pregnancy to distract myself from my awful morning sickness. For months all I did was cry and play Texas Hold'em.

I don't know why you call it morning sickness because I was sick all day and night!

The worst part about pregnancy would definitely have to be my nausea. I don't know why it's just called morning sickness because morning sickness never just happened in the morning for me and it's not happening just in the morning for my sister.

Making love in the morning got me through morning sickness. I found I could be happy and throw up at the same time.