Search For shout In Quotes 18

It's always the generals with the bloodiest records who are the first to shout what a hell it is. And it's always the war widows who lead the Memorial Day parades.

A judgment about life has no meaning except the truth of the one who speaks last and the mind is at ease only at the moment when everyone is shouting at once and no one can hear a thing.

Do not trust to the cheering for those persons would shout as much if you and I were going to be hanged.

Do not trust the cheering for those persons would shout as much if you or I were going to be hanged.

Heckling is an act of cowardice. If you want to speak get up in front of the microphone and speak don't sit in the dark hiding. It's easy to hide and shout and waste people's time.

Daddy loves you but he smacks you and he can shout at you and smash things but Daddy still loves you. So when you get into a relationship with someone who does all of that why would it be unusual?

There is also poetry written to be shouted in a square in front of an enthusiastic crowd. This occurs especially in countries where authoritarian regimes are in power.

Perhaps when music has been shouting for so long a quieter voice seems attractive.

Where there is shouting there is no true knowledge.

We are the miracle of force and matter making itself over into imagination and will. Incredible. The Life Force experimenting with forms. You for one. Me for another. The Universe has shouted itself alive. We are one of the shouts.