Search For shore In Quotes 29

They are few in the midst of an overwhelming mass of brute force and their submission is wisdom but for a nation like England to submit to be robbed by any invader who chooses to visit her shores seemed to me to be nonsense.

One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.

People always underestimate the impact of technology. To give you an example: In the 1970s the frontier for offshore development was 200 meters today it is 4 000 meters.

The secret of success is to be in harmony with existence to be always calm to let each wave of life wash us a little farther up the shore.

Mexico takes a hard line on immigration demanding that visitors to her shores enter lawfully and show her respect during their stay.

Writing criticism is to writing fiction and poetry as hugging the shore is to sailing in the open sea.

When we think of the major threats to our national security the first to come to mind are nuclear proliferation rogue states and global terrorism. But another kind of threat lurks beyond our shores one from nature not humans - an avian flu pandemic.

In these confused times the role of classical music is at the very core of the struggle to reassert cultural and ethical values that have always characterized our country and for which we have traditionally been honored and respected outside our shores.

There is pleasure in the pathless woods there is rapture in the lonely shore there is society where none intrudes by the deep sea and music in its roar I love not Man the less but Nature more.

The 6th of August in the morning we saw an opening in the land and we ran into it and anchored in 7 and a half fathom water 2 miles from the shore clean sand.