Search For sharp In Quotes 54

The sharpest memory of our old-fashioned Christmas eve is my mother's hand making sure I was settled in bed.

He was gifted with the sly sharp instinct for self-preservation that passes for wisdom among the rich.

Pithy sentences are like sharp nails which force truth upon our memory.

The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called 'truth'.

How thoroughly it is ingrained in mathematical science that every real advance goes hand in hand with the invention of sharper tools and simpler methods which at the same time assist in understanding earlier theories and in casting aside some more complicated developments.

I want to establish a wide range and play all kinds of parts. It's that sort of acting career I really respect. I like to turn a sharp left from whatever I've done before because that keeps me awake. That's why I want to be an actor - I don't want to play endless variations on one character.

When people do not respect us we are sharply offended yet in his private heart no man much respects himself.

Tolerance compromise understanding acceptance patience - I want those all to be very sharp tools in my shed.

What affects men sharply about a foreign nation is not so much finding or not finding familiar things it is rather not finding them in the familiar place.

As selfishness and complaint pervert the mind so love with its joy clears and sharpens the vision.

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You do need parental guidance and I was in a great position with both my mum and dad. They split when I was a baby but even though I stayed with my mom they were both very much involved in my upbringing.