Search For series In Quotes 93

Continuing a Lenten series on prayer: Prayer is co-operation with God. It is the purest exercise of the faculties God has given us - an exercise that links these faculties with the Maker to work out the intentions He had in mind in their creation.

I think of doing a series as very hard work. But then I've talked to coal miners and that's really hard work.

I'm actually reading 'World War Z' again! It's incredibly realistic and it's written as an oral history through interviews with different characters. Max Brooks wrote this book in so many different voices. There are about forty or so. It's incredible. When I finish 'World War Z' I'm going to go back and start again on the 'Game of Thrones' series.

War is a series of catastrophes which result in victory.

I was telling somebody just the other day there's technically such a hierarchy in this business. You have film that's the ideal then you have TV and things like web series do not claim as much cred but the fact is if the material is solid and I believe and trust in the team that's involved I don't care what format it is.

I built a series of supporters that had my back. I never abused that trust. You can't cry wolf. You have to solve most problems yourself.

I got the chance to do things that I dreamed of when I was a kid: I got to travel around the world I had my own 'Goosebumps' attraction at Disney World I've been on TV and had three TV series.

As far as 'Twilight' goes I'm in love with my character. I'm in love with the whole series. I love doing the fan conventions around the world I love to travel. So wherever it fits in I'd love to continue doing that for the rest of my life. Just meeting the fans who made everything possible from around the world.

Life is a series of steps. Things are done gradually. Once in a while there is a giant step but most of the time we are taking small seemingly insignificant steps on the stairway of life.

I decided that if I were to write a teen series I'd want to set it in a place that was familiar to me - Manhattan where I'd grown up - and I'd model the characters on myself and my friends.