Search For sentiment In Quotes 56

Women hate everything which strips off the tinsel of sentiment and they are right or it would rob them of their weapons.

I find that to be a fool as to worldly wisdom and to commit my cause to God not fearing to offend men who take offence at the simplicity of truth is the only way to remain unmoved at the sentiments of others.

I think there ought to be a club in which preachers and journalists could come together and have the sentimentalism of the one matched with the cynicism of the other. That ought to bring them pretty close to the truth.

I'm in total sympathy with Dick Smith's sentiments I only wish there were grounds for saying we Australians would never tolerate such appalling treatment of refugees being carried out in our name.

Every known fact in natural science was divined by the presentiment of somebody before it was actually verified.

Romance should never begin with sentiment. It should begin with science and end with a settlement.

It's an indication of how cynical our society has become that any kind of love story with a sad theme is automatically ridiculed as sentimental junk.

In deep sadness there is no place for sentimentality.

I don't ever want to be a sentimentalist. I prefer to be a realist. I'm not a romantic really.

It's a very romantic sentiment but to think that you would die if you didn't write well I would definitely choose to not write and live.