Search For senior In Quotes 45

I was a senior in high school when I decided I wanted to work on ants as a career. I just fell in love with them and have never regretted it.

Avon is a unique place to work we've got family-friendly policies. We have more senior women in high-level management than any other company 46 percent of our officers are women.

We have an opportunity but we have an obligation to senior citizens and to the younger people who are entering the workforce today to help ensure that they are going to be able to trust the government to have a workable program that benefits them as well.

I had a lot of success from the start. I never really was tested for long periods of time. I got my first professional job while I was a senior in college. I signed with the William Morris Agency before I graduated.

After a lifetime of working raising families and contributing to the success of this nation in countless other ways senior citizens deserve to retire with dignity.

We're sad about some of the losses of members of great seniority and distinction in the Congress and some very new members who will no longer be serving with us.

Every once in a while you live long enough to get the respect that people didn't want to give while you were trying to become a senior citizen.

It's easy to dislike the few senior women out there. What if women were half the positions in power? It would be harder to dislike all of them.

Several studies and a number of public statements by senior military and political personalities testify that - except for disputes between the present nuclear states - all military conflicts as well as threats to peace can be dealt with using conventional weapons.

If you wait until your children are high school seniors to spring it on them that there's not a whole lot of money for school they won't have too many options.

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And it was back in the mid-1980s and as I point out in a piece that was when we are spending about eight percent of our gross domestic product on health care. And even then we had the impression that so much of the excessive aggressive medical treatment that took place at the end of life was not only unnecessary but it was cruel.