Search For screw In Quotes 32

Men get laid but women get screwed.

We should conceive of ourselves not as rulers of Earth but as highly powerful conscious stewards: The Earth is given to us in trust and we can screw it up or make it work well and sustainably.

Now therefore the Directors of the company are hereby ordered to see that precautions are taken to make travel on said railroad perfectly safe by using a screw with at least twenty-four inches diameter.

I feel there are two people inside me - me and my intuition. If I go against her she'll screw me every time and if I follow her we get along quite nicely.

When cerebral processes enter into sports you start screwing up. It's like the Constitution which says separate church and state. You have to separate mind and body.

People think of the inventor as a screwball but no one ever asks the inventor what he thinks of other people.

If guys don't respect themselves they don't respect other people. That's times and personalities. And all of them are not that way. But it don't take but one or two to screw up the whole crowd.

I have too much respect for the characters I play to make them anything but as real as they can possibly be. I have a great deal of respect for all of them otherwise I wouldn't do them. And I don't want to screw them by not portraying them honestly.

I was not afraid of the press or the militants. It was uncomfortable but I was not afraid. With respect to the press I knew I knew more than they knew about city matters. With respect to the militants I understood it. I mean everybody believed in those days that they were being screwed you know that somebody was getting ahead of them.

It takes two to make a relationship but only one to screw it up.

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As a father my first priority is to help my sons set and attain personal goals so they will develop self-confidence and individual strength. Engaging in regular fitness activities with my children helps me fulfill those responsibilities.