Search For scotland In Quotes 17

If Scotland and America go to war I'm afraid I've already sworn in.

I really enjoy travel I enjoy the U.K. I enjoy Scotland Glasgow.

We are also fortunate in being in quite a sheltered environment in terms of people moving on to do other things because there are relatively few companies in Scotland that are looking for the skill set that we've developed.

There is a one woman in China that claimed she paid $50 to get my e-mail address. It was pretty shocking. I got one this morning from Scotland. A girl's requesting a signed photo of me.

The Navy's paid for you to go through school and then they need doctors to go out and take care of people who are in various different parts of the world. I decided to pay back my time first as an undersea medical officer. I was stationed in Scotland.

Clearly if it is sensible to hold a referendum on independence it is crucial that we have one on marriage. It is the only way the country can move forward on this issue. Let all those who have a view on this subject place their trust in the Scottish people and let Scotland decide.

My parents were both from Scotland but had been resident in Lower Canada some time before their marriage which took place in Montreal and in that city I spent most of my life.

I just read an 800-page history of the Scottish Enlightenment and honestly I may as well just start it again now because I cannot remember a single thing. I can barely remember where Scotland is.

I know there's some kind of history to mountain music-like it came from Ireland or England or Scotland and we kept up the tradition.

In Scotland the indication is that for the Westminster elections at least Labour voters are satisfied with their government.