Search For rushing In Quotes 18

A kitten is chiefly remarkable for rushing about like mad at nothing whatever and generally stopping before it gets there.

But of course when people watch morning television Terry it's a very different animal. You know they're running around they're getting their kids ready for school they're probably doing eight million things they're brushing their teeth.

After the first day of practice there's not one guy who's playing at 100 percent or who feels great. Sometimes getting up in the morning and brushing your teeth is the hardest part of the day - it just hurts.

Cinema in India is like brushing your teeth in the morning. You can't escape it.

Before marriage many couples are very much like people rushing to catch an airplane once aboard they turn into passengers. They just sit there.

You can have 10 bucks to 10 million bucks and if you got a crew imagination and a lot of people willing to turn in some work next to nothing you going to have a feature. But you can't get beyond how expensive marketing the movie is it's so crushing.

The great fun in my life has been getting up every morning and rushing to the typewriter because some new idea has hit me.

History is a relentless master. It has no present only the past rushing into the future. To try to hold fast is to be swept aside.

Destiny has two ways of crushing us - by refusing our wishes and by fulfilling them.

Start with a clean grill. Keep it clean by brushing with a wire brush after preheating and again after cooking. Make sure to oil your grates and your food before putting it on the grill to keep it from sticking.