Search For ritual In Quotes 246

I beg people not to accept the seasonal ritual of well-timed charity on Christmas Eve. It's blasphemy.

The contemporary form of true greatness lies in a civilization founded on the spirituality of work.

Empathy is really the opposite of spiritual meanness. It's the capacity to understand that every war is both won and lost. And that someone else's pain is as meaningful as your own.

This truth is a remedy against spiritual pride namely that none should account himself better before God than others though perhaps adorned with greater gifts and endowments.

The essence of humanity's spiritual dilemma is that we evolved genetically to accept one truth and discovered another. Is there a way to erase the dilemma to resolve the contradictions between the transcendentalist and the empiricist world views?

We must learn to balance the material wonders of technology with the spiritual demands of our human race.

What is it in you that brings you to a spiritual teacher in the first place? It's not the spirit in you since that is already enlightened and has no need to seek. No it is the ego in you that brings you to a teacher.

One of the most extraordinary things about being a spiritual teacher is the rare privilege of being able to look deeply into the very souls of many human beings at the same time.

They should regard me as what I am. I am a spiritual leader and teacher.

When people lack teachers their tendencies are not corrected when they do not have ritual and moral principles then their lawlessness is not controlled.

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I considered becoming a priest very seriously. I wanted to travel the world. By the time I turned 16 I realized I was only in it for selfish reasons. And more importantly I didn't want to sacrifice the ladies!