Search For rigid In Quotes 23

Show me a frigid women and nine times out of ten I'll show you a little man.

Men always fall for frigid women because they put on the best show.

Everyone will tell you how rigid I am but a teacher has to be flexible. You can't cut the student to your cloth you have to cut yourself to theirs.

Success makes men rigid and they tend to exalt stability over all the other virtues tired of the effort of willing they become fanatics about conservatism.

The Roman legions were formed in the first instance of citizen soldiers who yet had been made to submit to a rigid discipline and to feel that in that submission lay their strength.

Much of Indian science seems intuitive and not bound by the rigid thinking of classical scientists.

The hierarchy of class in London was rigid. It was like a religion. It still is to a certain extent.

So much about religion has to do with rigid sacrosanct preciousness. I don't live my life that way and I don't feel that's what Baha'u'llah teaches.

Now the only thing I miss about sex is the cigarette afterward. Next to the first one in the morning it's the best one of all. It tasted so good that even if I had been frigid I would have pretended otherwise just to be able to smoke it.

I remember when I was a kid watching my mother jam herself into her girdle - a piece of equipment so rigid it could stand up on its own - and I remember her coming home from fancy parties and racing upstairs to extricate herself from its cruel iron grip.

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I don't feel the need for religion. But I went on a yoga retreat last year and I do believe slightly in the karma thing and just being good and true unto yourself. And I slightly believe that you can attract good and bad to you.