Search For racket In Quotes 15

War is just a racket... I believe in adequate defense at the coastline and nothing else.

War is a racket. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

I used to play a lot of racket sports tennis and squash.

I'll let the racket do the talking.

I started in this racket in the early '70s and when I was president of the Science Fiction Writers of America of which I was like the sixth president I was the first one nobody ever heard of.

I carried through well with my tennis. I got the respect by usage of the tennis racket.

Legislation to create a new 10 percent tax bracket reduce the marriage penalty cut the tax rate on dividends and capital gains and increase the child tax credit have been essential elements in this economic expansion.

Love is much nicer to be in than an automobile accident a tight girdle a higher tax bracket or a holding pattern over Philadelphia.

My father had never watched tennis never liked tennis too much. He said 'OK we buy a racket we watch together ' because we didn't know anything. It was a process of learning together that made it more interesting.

And time itself? Time was a never-ending medium that stretched into the future and the past - except there was no future and no past but an infinite number of brackets extending either way each bracket enclosing its single phase of the Universe.