Search For queens In Quotes 11

Women have been called queens for a long time but the kingdom given them isn't worth ruling.

Sometimes Queens' music is dark but somehow it's ok to deliver it with a smile on your face because thing's are still going to kick in.

I wanted the feel in these books to be like an epic fantasy with kings queens dukes and court politics but of course like what I was explaining before about making the science make sense you have to make the politics make sense too.

I am 73 years old. I've seen everything. I've met the kings the queens the presidents I've been around the world. I have one thing that I would like to do: to try to reach peace.

Sure my childhood was unusual. All these eccentric wild people frequented our home: rock stars drag queens models bikers freaks. But I was not this little rich girl. My mom and I lived in an apartment.

I want to be so famous that drag queens will dress like me in parades when I'm dead.

I have my team. Like if you see everyone around me - I have my hair and makeup girl my assistant. They're very calm they're all about positive energy. There're no drama queens. Everyone wants everyone else to have a positive experience. There are no agendas. I think it creates a healthy environment and there are no boundaries to cross.

I learned the truth at seventeen That love was meant for beauty queens And high school girls with clear skinned smiles Who married young and then retired.

I was a student at Columbia College actually in the Architecture school. Paul would drive in from Queens showing me these new songs. I can't remember us working it out.

At 13 when I was a runaway I was taken in by the most amazing drag queens in Portland Ore. We didn't always know where our next meal was coming from but there was so much camaraderie and love. Not to mention those girls could paint a face and I learned how because of them.